Make a caricature photo using photoshop

Lately I see a lot of photos circulating on the internet caricature, caricature good about politics, about relationships, friendship, and romance. In addition caricature is also used by some people as a gift on birthdays of friends, relatives, and also girlfriend. Whether it is because there is pleasure when viewing photos caricature or may just want to have a different photo only impression than the photographs in general.
for those of you who also want to have a photo caricature but do not know how to make it, or maybe in because you do not know what to use any software to make it.
On the internet might be a lot of software that is specifically designed to create a photo caricature, but I personally only please one software to make over photos. Software I mean is photoshop.
And then on the times I will try to present a tutorial for those of you who want to make a caricature photo using photoshop.
• The first step that you have to do is open a photoshop software by clicking Start in Windows and locate the program Photoshop.
• After you please open photoshop create a blank layer by clicking File - New.
• Then there will be display as below:
Fill in Figures Width and Height = 1500 = 1500 and change Controlnya Being Transparent Background.
• The next step search and drop a photo that will be made into a caricature of empty layer above:
• Then you can cut the head in advance using an existing tool used usually in the cut image. And I use the pen tool in cutting the image.
• Discard the rest of the body first and in the layer just left the head only
• Adjust Brightness and Contrast it with the click Brightness & Contrast adjusment- Image- and set its properties to the picture looks a little oily and shiny:
And after the last photo will look like this:
• You can use the Liquify to change facial expressions, or to highlight something in your face such as eyes, nose or mouth and serve to minimize the size of the neck.
• How to use the liquify filter please click Filter - Liquify then please retouching your face with some of the tools that are in it up to your picture changed as the shape you want.
Pictured above that I retouch:
• The next step is to choose the appropriate body part you want. You can choose your other photos that poses a slightly different body or indeed support to be made in the body of the head is in the retouch earlier.
• As an example I use my other photo as the body of the photo above
Have you retouch also part of the body by using the liquify so that it becomes like this:
• After the part is finished in the liquify Agency, the next thing you should do is to unite the head with the neck. Use back lliquify to adjust the size of the neck with a collar shirt.
It takes precision so that the head with the different bodies can actually looks together, like the image below:
• After the above process is completed properly, the image will be generated like this:
• To Add a subtle impression and not random at patches of photos you can use additional techniques that smudge technique. How to select the Smudge tool in the tool panel and fill Strength = 30 to rub the face and other skin.
• Begin Rubbing Face first part (to get the maximum results you should and should not be thorough and disheveled)
And here is the result of rubbing me by using the Smudge tool
The skin looks more even than before, and the technique is also at the same smudge painting effects to photos that we make. So there is no longer a rough texture to the image when you have Scrub with the smudge tool.
• For Hair Part you can change the Strenght = 80-90
And please use the 100 number on the brush photoshop CS6
• Start with the hair section by following the flow of the hair in that photo does not seem random.
Here are the results of using the strenght 80 rubbing on the hair:
• The final step in the process of making this caricature is made background
• Have you created an empty layer in the layer window by clicking creat a new layer:
Name the new layer Background on which you created earlier and move its position in the bottom layer by dragging the layer to the bottom layer:
• Give the background color according to the color you want by the background color using the Paint Bucket Tool (G keys or click on the keyboard)
• Please click on the photo and the hollow layer will change color as shown below:
• Next is to create light effects in the background by clicking creat new fill or adjustment layer in the layer window
  • Choice Gradient
• Choose a light color you want and then set the style became radial (this is up to you, for those who want to make the radial or linear)
• Well, all processes are completed and the following is the final result of the caricature that I made earlier:

So first post about how to make a caricature picture with me, may be useful.

please download the article here

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